! 43 I can usually find a line or argument to refute unsound propositions. ! 42 I am not reluctant to challenge the views of others or hold a minority view myself. ! 41 I contribute where I know what I am talking about. ! ! ! SECTION IV ! MY CHARACTERISTIC APPROACH TO GROUP WORK IS THAT:! ! ITEM # ! 40 I have a quiet interest in getting to know colleagues better. I can be relied upon to see all essential work is organised. I believe my capacity for judgement can help to bring about the right decisions. I try to maintain my sense of professionalism.

I am quick to see the possibilities in new ideas, initiatives and developments. I am always ready to back a good suggestion in the common interest. I can be counted on to contribute something original. I like to press for action to make sure that the meeting does not waste time or lose sight of the main objective. I can play a part in preventing careless mistakes or omissions from spoiling the success of an operation. ! ! ! SECTION III ! WHEN INVOLVED IN A PROJECT WITH OTHER PEOPLE:! ! ITEM # ! 3 I have an aptitude for influencing people without pressurising them. I am inclined to become preoccupied when I realise that loose ends have not been tied up. I am apt to get caught up in ideas that occur to me and lose track of what is happening. I find it difficult to lead from the front, perhaps because I am over responsive to group atmosphere. I am sometimes seen as forceful and authoritarian when dealing with important issues. My objective outlook makes it difficult for me to join in readily and enthusiastically with colleagues. I have a tendency to talk a lot once the group gets on a new topic. I am reluctant to contribute unless the subject deals with a field I know well. I am inclined to be too generous towards others who have a valid viewpoint that has not been giving a proper airing.

I am not at ease unless meetings are well structured and controlled and generally well conducted. ! ! SECTION II ! IF I HAVE A POSSIBLE SHORTCOMING IN TEAM WORK, IT COULD BE THAT:! ! ITEM # ! 20 I can offer a reasoned case for alternative courses of action while maintaining freedom from personal bias.

I can usually tell whether a plan or idea will fit a particular situation. I am always ready to be blunt and outspoken in the cause of making the right things happen. My technical knowledge and experience is usually my major asset. I can be relied on to finish any task I undertake. My ability rests in being able to draw people out whenever I detect they have something of value to contribute to group objectives. ! 12 Producing ideas is one of my natural assets. ! 11 I can work well with a very wide range of people. ! ! ! ! SECTION I ! WHAT I BELIEVE I CAN CONTRIBUTE TO A TEAM: ! ITEM # ! 10 I think I can quickly see and take advantage of new opportunities. ! Enter the points on the answer sheet provided at the rear of this document. These points may be distributed among several sentences: in extreme cases they might be spread among all the sentences or ten points may be given to a single sentence. ! ! ! BELBIN TEAM ROLES (Self-Perception Inventory) … ! ! INSTRUCTIONS ! For each section distribute a total of ten (10) points among the sentences which you think most accurately describe your behaviour.