Before making simulation model conducted by scheduling of sequence production workmanship of job by 2 methods that is FCFS and of SPT. Of above description, Scheduling of production with method of Drum-Buffer-Rope at concept of Theory Of Constraint (TOC) is one of the method able to be used to handle constraint able to pursue stream produce and lessen bottleneck.Īpplying of this TOC is conducted made two simulation model with Arena program 3.0 which compose one real system model and one proposal model. Synchronization is arrangement of speed of stream produce from each subsystem as a mean to avoid burden which was more at activity station owning capacities of lose as station of constraint. To overcome the problems needed by an action to handle system produce as a whole so that happened synchronization from all sub system. This condition of finally often happened delay of production so that company cannot finish product as according to schedule which have been determined (mistimed). In this time problem faced by company is level of Work In Process (WIP) the highness, caused by time processed the very old the station and limited capacities. PT Jati Mas Indonesia is peripatetic company is industrial area of furniture owning characteristic of Job Shop. PENJADWALAN_PRODUKSI_DENGAN_PENDEKATANTHEORY_OF_CONSTRAINT_UNTUK_MENGURANGI_BOTTLENECK.pdf